ISO/TR 24971:2020ISO/TR 24971:2020 Medical devices — Guidance on the application of ISO 14971*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 22483:2020ISO 22483:2020 Tourism and related services — Hotels — Service requirements*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 22328-1:2020ISO 22328-1:2020 Security and resilience — Emergency management — Part 1: General guidelines for the implementation of a community-based disaster early warning system*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO/TS 22332:2021ISO/TS 22332:2021 Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidelines for developing business continuity plans and procedures*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO/PAS 5643:2021ISO/PAS 5643:2021 Tourism and related services — Requirements and guidelines to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism industry*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 21401:2018ISO 21401:2018 Tourism and related services — Sustainability management system for accommodation establishments — Requirements*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 20415:2019ISO 20415:2019 Trusted mobile e-document framework — Requirements, functionality and criteria for ensuring reliable and safe mobile e-business*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 13857:2019ISO 13857:2019 Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.