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ISO 24059:2021

ISO 24059:2021 Ships and marine technology — Anchor chain releasers*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 106.00

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ISO 24061:2021

ISO 24061:2021 Ships and marine technology — High holding power balance anchors*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 106.00

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IEC 61954:2021

IEC 61954:2021  Static VAR compensators (SVC) - Testing of thyristor valves*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 299.00

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IEC 61914:2021

IEC 61914:2021  Cable cleats for electrical installations*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 261.00

IEC 62885-2:2021  Surface cleaning appliances - Part 2: Dry vacuum cleaners for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 416.00

IEC TS 62607-6-6:2021  Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-6: Graphene - Strain uniformity: Raman spectroscoopy*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 211.00

IEC TS 63116:2021  Lighting systems - General requirements*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

IEC TS 63117:2021  General requirements for lighting systems - Safety*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 122.00