ISO/TR 5202:2023ISO/TR 5202:2023 Buildings and civil engineering works-Building resilience strategies related to public health emergencies-Compilation of relevant information*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 9073-1:2023ISO 9073-1:2023 Nonwovens-Test methods Part 1: Determination of mass per unit area*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 23256:2023ISO 23256:2023 Water quality-Detection of selected congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls-Method using a flow immunosensor technique*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 24569:2023ISO 24569:2023 Ships and marine technology External firefighting system test methods*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO 6603-2:2023ISO 6603-2:2023 Plastics-Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid plastics Part 2: Instrumented impact testing*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO/IEC 9075-16:2023ISO/IEC 9075-16:2023 Information technology-Database languages SQL Part 16: Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO/IEC 9075-9:2023ISO/IEC 9075-9:2023 Information technology-Database languages SQL Part 9: Management of External Data (SQL/MED)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.
ISO/IEC 9075-2:2023ISO/IEC 9075-2:2023 Information technology-Database languages SQL Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.