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ISO/IEC 9075-15:2023 Information technology Database languages SQL Part 15: Multidimensional arrays (SQL/MDA)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 239.00

ISO/IEC 9075-3:2023 Information technology Database languages SQL Part 3: Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 239.00

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ISO 16657:2023

ISO 16657:2023 Sensory analysis Apparatus Olive oil tasting glass*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

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ISO/TR 6039:2023

ISO/TR 6039:2023 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies Identifiers of subjects and objects for the design of blockchain systems*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 192.00

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ISO 14050:2020

ISO 14050:2020 Environmental management Vocabulary*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

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ISO 9073-14:2023

ISO 9073-14:2023 Nonwovens Test methods Part 14: Coverstock wetback (simulated urine)*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 106.00

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ISO 13920:2023

ISO 13920:2023 Welding General tolerances for welded constructions Dimensions for lengths and angles, shape and position*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

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ISO 4077:2023

ISO 4077:2023 Coal Guidance for sampling in coal preparation plants*Taxes or charges may apply. The final price, including any applicable taxes, will be calculated at checkout.

USD 215.00