
Product Product ISO 6743-99:2002
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ISO 6743-99:2002 establishes a general system of classification, which applies to lubricants, Industrial oils, and related products, designated by the prefix letter "L".

Within class L, 18 families of products are defined, according to the application areas of each, so as to cover, as much as possible, all the applications where lubricants, industrial oils, and related products are used.

The detailed classification of each family is given in other parts of ISO 6743.

The classification only applies to new products.

Standard Number Standard Number ISO 6743-99:2002
Title Title ISO 6743-99:2002 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) — Classification — Part 99: General
Status Status Published
Publication Date Publication Date 15 Jul 2019
Cross References Cross References
Descriptors Descriptors
ICS ICS 75.100
Committee Committee ISO/TC 28/SC 4 Classifications and specifications
Publisher Publisher PECB Store
Format Format PDF
Delivery Delivery NO
Pages Pages 3
File Size File Size KB