
Product Product ISO/IEC 27034-7:2018
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This document describes the minimum requirements when the required activities specified by an Application Security Control (ASC) are replaced with a Prediction Application Security Rationale (PASR). The ASC mapped to a PASR define the Expected Level of Trust for a subsequent application. In the context of an Expected Level of Trust, there is always an original application where the project team performed the activities of the indicated ASC to achieve an Actual Level of Trust.

The use of Prediction Application Security Rationales (PASRs), defined by this document, is applicable to project teams which have a defined Application Normative Framework (ANF) and an original application with an Actual Level of Trust.

Predictions relative to aggregation of multiple components or the history of the developer in relation to other applications is outside the scope of this document.

Standard Number Standard Number ISO/IEC 27034-7:2018
Title Title ISO/IEC 27034-7:2018 Information technology — Application security Part 7: Assurance prediction framework
Status Status Published
Publication Date Publication Date 27 Oct 2023
Cross References Cross References
Descriptors Descriptors
ICS ICS 35.030
Committee Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27
Publisher Publisher PECB Store
Format Format PDF
Delivery Delivery NO
Pages Pages 29
File Size File Size KB